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Detox Booster

Detox Booster

Spagyric Detoxification Booster

This Synergy botanical blend focuses on

  • Supporting tonification and detoxification of the organs and other biology related to the body’s processing,
  • Storing and elimination of toxins such as:

Blood - Lymph - Liver - Kidneys - Gallbladder - Colon - Skin.

It is totally organic and is a combination of different spagyric herbal preparations, essential oils and Tissue Salts.

Using this Detoxification Booster, supports the body in effectively and sustainably eliminating toxins while reducing the risk of those toxins once released from recirculating throughout the bloodstream.  When working in conjunction with more intensive cleansing processes, this booster can help by mopping up excess released toxins and strengthening the organs.

Although this booster can very effectively support you by gently cleaning and maintaining in the background, alone or alongside other endeavours to maintain a healthy body, it is not intended as an intense cleanse, rather it acts as a powerful ally on your journey toward optimum health.   


Suggested  Detox: 
For the best results use this Spagyric Detoxification Booster consistently over a period of one month alongside an alkaline rich, healthy diet so that the body creates conditions favorable for an effortlessly ongoing gentle detoxification.   Our bodies have an amazing ability for self cleansing and repairing themselves, particularly when we choose a more long term holistic approach and they are treated correctly and fed with nutrient rich healthy fuel and supported by alchemical medicinal preparations such as these.  This way the results are more powerful and long lasting. 

Our spagyric extracts are made using organic or wildcrafted herbs wherever possible, with no isolated chemicals or additives of any kind and 
have been made using ancient alchemical methodologies according to the lunar and planetary influences.


  • How to use


    • Directions 
      Take 10 drops two to three times daily on an empty stomach diluted in a little water or quality juice. 
      It is best to take this booster consistently for and entire month if you want the optimum results.  
      It is important to drink around 2 litres of pure water a day while taking this Detox Booster as this will help with the elimination of toxins.


  • Ingredients

    Our spagyric extracts are made using organic or wildcrafted herbs wherever possible, with no isolated chemicals or additives of any kind and 
    have been made using ancient alchemical methodologies according to the lunar and planetary influences.


    - Do not use during pregnancy (because of the stimulating properties of the uterus).
    - Do not use in case of high blood pressure.
    - Do not use in hormone-dependent conditions or their history.
    Consult a specialist for more info in this preparation. 

    Ingredients: Spagyric Dandelion, Spagyric Milk Thistle, Spagyric Burdock, Spagyric Nettles, , Spagyric Cleavers, Essential Oil of Sage , Tissue Salts. 

  • Disclamer

    These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness and should not be considered a substitute for medical treatment. You should not use the information on this website for diagnosis or treatment of any health problem.Please consult your medical care provider.

    Just so you know:  Information on the traditional uses and properties of herbs is provided for educational use only and is not intended as medical advice. 

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© 2023 by Gisela. Synergy. AR. With Love and respect 

Disclaimer: This information is intended for educational purposes only and should not be considered as a recommendation or an endorsement of any particular medical or health treatment.

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